Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back Again

Here it is August 2008. Where has all the time gone! After our trip to Mexico we enjoyed family and doing some genealogy, hence the "Dobbs" grave site pictures. As most of you know this has been a tough year for Arnold health wise and pretty much know all the details. If you don't and want more info just email me, I'm always willing to talk about it.

He is still busy doing genealogy and we'll be going in a couple of weeks to NC/SC to spend a few days doing more. Our last doctors appointment the doctor basically said that he could just as easily die sitting in his recliner as doing something and that if it happens there would be nothing that I could do to help him as he had his own built in life line so for him to go ahead and do whatever he wanted to do. We could resume travel and he could mow the lawn again if he so desired. We shall see. It was mentioned, tongue in cheek, that he couldn't do any dishes.

This doesn't mean that we are going to sit back and wait for him to have more problems. We are very active in looking into any other medications or procedures that would prolong his life. We have a contact with the head doctor of research at St. Joseph's Hospital in Atlanta and will be going in for a clinic sometime next week to see if there is anything more that can be done. They are doing stem cell research and he might be able to get that 3rd lead if that would help him. Don't let it ever be said that connections aren't what makes this country run. One of Arnold's classmates from high school is on the board at St. Joseph's and has made the introduction to this doctor for us otherwise we would never have been able to so much as talk to him no less see him. All this from a meeting to plan Arnold's high school 50Th Reunion and one of his classmates being the ex-CEO of Delta. Will keep you posted at to the outcome, if any.

To keep me sane I've taken up hand knitting in earnest again. I've even joined a couple of "KAL's". For those of you that don't know, this translates into "Knit a longs" and most of them are mysteries. This means that clues are posted once a week and you knit to those clues and directions. I started my first one yesterday and am already looking forward to next Friday and the second clue as I've finished the first.

For my birthday I also bought myself an I-Pod with birthday money this year and I've been like a little kid going around with my ears plugged listening. Arnold thought that I was listening to music but I have found that there are Podcasts out there all about knitting and other fun interesting stuff to listen too. I have having a ball. Good thing that I got the Classic version and 160 KB one.

I'm still doing beading but with the rally in Greensboro, NC cancelled this October that sort of took the steam out of getting ready for a rally and I've not done that much lately. Just a quick necklace to wear to that Reunion meeting/dinner.

Now that I'm back, hopefully I'll get better at keeping this blog updated.

Keep in touch!


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